The engine of the decommissioned-battleship-turned-relgious-museum Lake Encounter is humming at full throttle towards the Salmon. We can’t stop it now. Cammie holds on. Umbi lets go. And it’s out of Troy’s hands.
63. Legends of the True Salmon III
62. Legends of the True Salmon II
Afterparty: 59-61. Mango Crossing V-VI, True Salmon I, Model Our Nations
61. Legends of the True Salmon I
“Model Our Nations” Is Out Now!
Hear the members of Join the Party play a one shot set in a brand new Animal Space Western world (and check out Ep 43: The Diamond Knot for a Campaign 3 episode using the game).
60. Legends of Mango Crossing VI
59. Legends of Mango Crossing V
Afterparty: 56-58. Legends of Mango Crossing II-IV
58. Legends of Mango Crossing IV
57. Legends of Mango Crossing III
What do you do when a stowaway comes aboard your pirate ship? Ok, what if that stowaway is your friend’s sister? And what if that stowaway has a dangerous weapon and knows how to use it? These are all questions you should ask your crew instead of assuming you know the answer. The crew doesn’t know what to do when Troy’s government-sanctioned assassin sister Di got caught sneaking around the Sea Whip.