31. Join the Loop V

If you’re looking to get out of a time loop, you need to go to a time loop expert. If you can’t find that, look for someone who thinks they’re an expert on everything. Aggie gives up beer money. Milo does or does not talk to ghosts. Val looks in the crisper.

New Merch!

Pick up the new worldbook for the world of Campaign 2 and the restocked Chad dice at jointhepartypod.com/merch!


- Stitch Fix is an online personal styling service that finds and delivers clothes, shoes, and accessories to fit your body, budget, and lifestyle. Get started at stitchfix.com/jointheparty for 25% off when you keep your whole box!

- BetterHelp, a secure online counseling service. Get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/jointheparty

- HelloFresh, where you can get 12 free meals including free shipping at hellofresh.com/jointheparty12 using code jointheparty12.

Find Us Online

- website: jointhepartypod.com

- patreon: patreon.com/jointhepartypod

- twitter: twitter.com/jointhepartypod

- facebook: facebook.com/jointhepartypod

- instagram: instagram.com/jointhepartypod

- tumblr: jointhepartypod.tumblr.com

- merch & music: jointhepartypod.com/merch

Cast & Crew

- Dungeon Master, Co-Producer: Eric Silver

- Co-Host (Milo Lane), Co-Producer, Editor, Sound Designer, Composer: Brandon Grugle

- Co-Host (Aggie O’Hare), Co-Producer: Amanda McLoughlin

- Co-Host (Val Vesuvio), Co-Producer, Editor: Julia Schifini

- Multitude: multitude.productions

About Us

Join the Party is a collaborative storytelling and roleplaying podcast, powered by the rules of Dungeons and Dragons. That means a group of friends create a story together, chapter by chapter, that takes us beyond the tabletop to parts unknown. In the first campaign, we explored fantasy adventure, intrigue, magic, and drama. In the newest story, we tackle science, superpowers, a better future, and the responsibility to help others.

Every month, we sit down for the Afterparty, where we break down our game and answer your questions about how to play D&D and other roleplaying games at home. We also have segments at the beginning of each campaign to teach people how to play the game themselves. It’s a party, and you’re invited! Find out more at jointhepartypod.com.