Enjoy this one-shot set in the Camp-Paign from the Rolling Bones tour in our nation’s capital! This is also the show that Eric’s mom saw, so you can feel closer to her.
The Afterparty at the End of Camp
20. The Summer III
19. The Summer II
18. The Summer I
17. The Battle II
16. The Battle I
Camp Diogenes Staff Handbook, Rule #246-01: staff members should strongly encourage all campers to participate in their age group’s summer musical. Regardless if they are pop-u-lar or need to be more chill, this is the perfect opportunity for campers to go the distance, let the sunshine in, and become one singular sensation.
Rule #256-02: you must have a driver’s license to drive the surrey with the fringe on top.
Afterparty: The Woods II and The Errands I & II
15. The Errands II
Camp Diogenes Staff Handbook, Rule #1041: Although it is easy and understandable that staff members may misplace personal items, it is tantamount that we keep our eyes on our things. You never know if your misplaced keychain could become the final piece of a magical doomsday device or integrated into a part-organic, part-inorganic beast that lives under our very feet.
14. The Errands I
Camp Diogenes Staff Handbook, Rule #101: Attack the hardest thing you have to do in a day first thing in the morning. As Mark Twain said, “If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. Wait… your job really eating frogs? Jesus H Christ, really? This was metaphorical advice about being productive!”
13. The Woods II
Afterparty: The Puzzle I & II and The Woods I
12. The Woods I
Camp Diogenes Staff Handbook, Rule #64: As soon as you realize that you're lost in the woods, stop moving. It's much easier for rescuers to find a stationary person than someone who is moving around. Only continue to move if you know where you are, need to find shelter, or a voice rumbling in the darkness tells you to do so.
11. The Puzzle II
10. The Puzzle I
Camp Diogenes Staff Handbook, Rule #103: The best way to get campers enthusiastic about an activity is if you’re enthusiastic about it! If you want your campers to jump in the Water Hole, challenge them to a cannonball contest. If you want them to learn more about ritual sacrifices, run into the woods and help wrangle a calf as white as snow. If the camp lines up a special activity, you should be the first ones in line to try it!
Afterparty: The New Cabin II and The Stakeout I & II
9. The Stakeout II
8. The Stakeout I
Camp Diogenes Staff Handbook, Rule #91: If you have a medical emergency, contact and report to the nurses’ office. You may be saying, “What do you mean? There hasn’t been a nurse here for forty years!” And I am saying, that’s preposterous, it’s right over there. Why are you wiggling your fingers like that and moaning “OooOoOOOoOOOOOOooOo?” Jeremy, go to the nurse and get an ACE bandage.
7. The Cabin II
Camp Diogenes Staff Handbook, Creature Supplement, Rule #11: Talking frogs are very self-conscious creatures. They can exist both on land and sea, which give them even more opportunities to tell you how great they are. This may stem from being consistently confused with talking toads, who have that alliteration thing going on.